What Are You Thankful For?

It’s easy to take our everyday blessings for granted in America. As I listen to my daughter’s daily life in Mozambique, Africa I realize how blessed I am. I’m thankful I get to do my laundry in a washing machine instead of a bucket. I’m thankful for hot showers every day. And I’m especially thankful for a warm house on cold days.

But I’ve also learned to be thankful for hard lessons learned during tough stepfamily seasons. I don’t want to live those days over again and I’m glad they’re far removed, but here are a few things I’m grateful for:

I’m thankful for grasping the value of perseverance and what it means to be in it for the long haul as I developed relationships with my stepchildren.

I’m thankful for the chance to learn what patience looks like in everyday life.

I’m thankful for the choice of loving children who aren’t my own and knowing I have positively influenced them.

I’m thankful for second chances. For relationship do-overs.

I’m thankful for the beauty of forgiveness and how it changes relationships.

I’m thankful for gaining the insider status in my stepchildren’s lives after suffering through years as an outsider.

I’m thankful for ex-spouses and what I’ve learned about myself through broken relationships.

I’m thankful for supportive friends and family who wouldn’t let me quit even though I desperately wanted to at times.

I’m thankful for a husband who didn’t give up on me when I made bad choices as a stepparent.

I’m thankful for my stepchildren and what they’ve taught me.

I’m thankful for the Lord Jesus who has walked every step of my stepparenting journey with me.

What are you thankful for? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

For more holiday tips, follow my blog and  Heather Hetchler’s blog at CafeSmom  as we share tips from our holiday e-book, Unwrapping the Gift of Stepfamily Peace, every Mon, Wed and Friday. Our e-book is a great tool to help you and all stepparents find peace during the holidays and beyond. It’s packed with proven tools and tips, personal stories and a list of recipes and new holiday traditions you can create with your stepfamily.  Unwrapping the Gift of Stepfamily Peace

Pic by nongpimmy




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