by Gayla Grace | Aug 8, 2017 | Blog, stepfamily relationships
It’s early August and school will be starting soon (it has actually already started for our son). The kids will have practice or lessons after school, and they may be juggling their...
by Gayla Grace | Aug 12, 2013 | Blog, conflict
The back and forth routine that accompanies life in a stepfamily often brings exhaustion. During the school year, it can create confusion, anxiety, and turmoil for our kids. Our children need a stable home environment, free of tension and chaos to succeed in...
by Gayla | Aug 15, 2012 | attitude, Balance, Blog, expectations, Prayer, stepparenting choices
Our youngest son started middle school last week as a 6th grader and has had some intimidating moments at his new school. He started off in the wrong classroom for homeroom but didn’t discover it until the teacher called roll. He left to go to the correct...
by Gayla | Aug 25, 2011 | attitude, Balance, Blog, Change, stepparenting choices
As another school year gets underway, many stepfamilies are adjusting to new routines. Stepchildren may be adjusting to different expectations at Mom and Dad’s house with homework and after-school activities. Stepparents may be forced to alter everyday patterns...