“The toilet’s overflowing Mom!” My son’s words echoed down the hall from my room. I walked into the bathroom to a small stream of water running onto the floor. My son was holding a plunger, prepared for action. But as we watched, the water began to subside and we decided to flush. That was a mistake!


Water poured over the toilet lid, out the bathroom and down the hall. I couldn’t stop the gushing water! I  began plunging furiously, water spilling out on all sides. Thankfully, the clog was quickly relieved and  water began moving in the other direction – down the toilet!

As the clean up effort began, my son and I both lost track time of time (my husband was already at work). Before we realized it, the clock reminded us we were running late. As I drove my son to school, I knew he would be tardy.

I reflected on my week as I drove home with a heavy heart and deflated spirit.  Just days before I had learned one of the few friends I have in our new town was moving soon. That same day I dealt with our leaking swimming pool that had an unknown source and was requiring water every other day to keep it full. I began thinking about the tuition bills piled on my desk for a new semester with our three college kids. My spirit began spiraling to match the dreariness of the weather.

When I arrived home I read a prayer request from my aunt concerning a custody battle her son is enduring with his two daughters. Her son’s heart is broken as he’s restricted from being a part of his children’s lives. It’s a bitter battle with little hope of a fair judgment.

It prompted me to be thankful for the part I get to play in my children and stepchildren’s lives. Our relationships aren’t perfect and our family interactions aren’t always harmonious, but I’m thankful for the role I have. We’ve been down the custody battle road, and I’m thankful we’re not there today.

With four children living outside our home as young adults, I don’t know all that is happening every day. But I do know if they need something, they will call. Somedays it’s a shoulder to cry on, somedays it’s an opinion on a pressing issue, somedays it’s a little extra money to get by until their next paycheck. But today, I’m thankful for unrestricted visitation and communication with our children.

Life is hard. Life is stressful. But, somedays it’s all about perspective. Now please excuse me while I go wash towels.

How is Your Perspective? Does it Need an Overhaul Today?

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