This picture is my neighborhood prayer group I have been part of for almost seven years. We meet weekly at 6:00 a.m. (just rolled out of bed – no make up or hair fixed) and pray for the needs of each family represented for an hour.
I joined this group when my husband and I were fighting a custody battle for my stepson after his mom died and his stepfather had applied for custody. It was a very difficult time and these ladies became my support group.
Year after year of praying diligently for my stepfamily and its relationships has resulted in some amazing healing. My stepson has changed from an angry adolescent who wanted to isolate himself from our family to a maturing young adult who loves and cares for each family member.
The Mother’s Day card my stepson gave me this past Sunday brought tears to my eyes. The comments he wrote said, “After this last year, I’ve needed a mother the most, and you have been outstanding. Thank you for putting up with all my crazy ways and being a great mother to me!!”(exclamation marks included).
I don’t write this to brag about our relationship but only to encourage you if your stepparenting relationships are strained. I’ve been there. I’ve had so many days that I wanted to give up on my stepmother role. But as my stepchildren reach their adult years, they show me their appreciation more and more.
The rewards of stepparenting don’t come during the early or middle years, they come at the end – probably after your stepchildren leave home.
But I’m convinced that the hours I’ve spent praying for my stepfamily and our relationships have made a difference. Our family was broken when my husband and I married 15 years ago, and only God could have put the pieces back together.
With tears in my eyes, I said good-bye to my neighborhood prayer group last night. As my husband and I and youngest son move to Louisiana, I’ll be in search of another prayer group to join. Or perhaps, I’ll start a neighborhood group where we move. But I can assure you, I won’t quit praying for my stepfamily. Because prayer changes relationships.
Are you praying regularly for your stepfamily?
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