I finally went to the doctor yesterday to have my knee looked at since it refuses to get well. He gave me a steroid injection to help get the inflammation out so it can begin to heal.
He also told me to REST. The doctor is a personal friend of mine and knows that I use exercise for therapy (living with three teen-agers requires regular therapy!) He told me, “No running, no cycling, no weight training until the swelling is out.” Ugh. Resting is hard for me.
We all need rest at times. Even Jesus took time to rest. Exodus 31:17 says, “…in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested.” Before the feeding of the five thousand, there was so much hustle and bustle among the people that Jesus asked the disciples to, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31)
Resting is good for us. We may also need to seek solitude as we rest. When we get away by ourselves, it’s easier to sort through the craziness that stepfamily life can bring and align our priorities to better cope. We can meditate on Scripture for strength and courage to persevere. And we can seek solutions to our challenges with a clear mind.
Where can you find rest today? Will you honor yourself by taking time for the rest you need?
Lord, please grant us the rest, peace and joy as we continue to face the challenges of blending families.
Amen. We will be given the rest we need when we seek it.