We started off our week with a car problem. Ugh! My husband’s car had to be towed to the dealership first thing this morning. After coming in from church last night, he couldn’t get the motor to shut down when he turned the car off. He finally disconnected the part that runs to the fuel pump to stop the engine.

The technician from the dealership said he would give it a good check up and let us know the problem and what needed to be fixed.

While waiting on the diagnosis, I began thinking about areas in my life that needed a good check up. It’s easy to recognize that there’s more than one place that could use some “fixing” from God’s healing hand.

My most glaring need today centers around how I allow my personal agenda and selfishness to keep me from loving others and treating them as I should. I don’t always feel loving toward those around me and I allow my feelings to dictate my actions.

 It’s easy to be loving and kind toward my stepchildren when they’re being respectful and obedient. But it’s a lot harder to continue to love them when they’re rude and offensive. 

However, I’m frequently reminded of the commitment I made when I married my husband. I married him “for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.” I committed to loving him and his children, even on days I didn’t feel like it.

So today I will ask for the Lord’s help to show sacrificial love to my stepchildren. It doesn’t mean I will like their behavior or agree with their choices, but I will seek to honor the Golden Rule with them: “Do for others what you would like them to do for you” (Matthew 7:12).

I will expect nothing in return but know that God sees my heart and my desire to honor Him.

Does your heart need a check up today? Are there areas that need God’s healing hand?  

 Related Posts:

When Love is Not Enough

Creating a Stable Stepfamily: Offer Love and Grace Freely

Healthy Stepparenting: Don’t Keep Score


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