The 2nd edition of our holiday e-book, Unwrapping the Gift of Stepfamily Peace, is out and for the next few weeks I want to include some excerpts to help you thrive, not just survive, the holiday season.
Today I start with the introduction to give you an idea why Heather Hetchler and I wrote the book:
“When we became stepparents we never imagined the roller coaster of emotions we would ride. We willingly said “I do” to men with children, while bringing our own kids into the mix.
Like you, we pledged our hearts and our lives to our spouses, agreeing to partner with them to parent our children. Together, we have strived to build a family based on love, faith, and commitment.
As stepparents, we face many challenges in our role and we realize the holidays can be an especially difficult time. While the season offers opportunity to bond and grow closer as a family, there is ample opportunity for hurt and disappointment.
Our book was written for every stepparent who dreams of a peace-filled holiday season. You are not alone on this journey.”
If you feel alone on your journey, reach out to other stepparents. There are a variety of online groups that offer encouragement and support. (But be careful, there are some that offer only negative support). Here are a few that I like:
Twitter: #TwitterStepmoms – a group of stepmoms seeking to encourage one another through uplifting posts
Facebook: Buckeye BonusMom: A group moderated by Lisa Teal Webb, stepmom to 3, who focuses on the positive side of stepparenting
Facebook: StepparentingSuccess: A group Heather and I started on FB to encourage stepparents with helpful tidbits
Stepmom Magazine: helpful articles from other stepmoms living in the trenches, published monthly.
The holiday season is in full swing. How are you doing so far? I hope you’ll download our e-book to help you and your family unwrap the gift of stepfamily peace through the flurry of the holidays.
What tips can you offer that help you through the holiday season as a stepparent? I would love to hear them.
Related Posts:
Will You Celebrate the Beauty of Family this Holiday–Even if Yours is Imperfect?
Seven Tips for Finding Balance in the Midst of Holiday Chaos
Holiday Tip: Live by Faith: Not Fear
I have been a client of Gayla and found the peace in her words and in her gift of listening. I have read many, many books on stepparenting, and also recommend going to Ron Deals conference. After being a stepparent for 10 years now, i have realized that no matter the age of the children, or how well you have blended, you will always have “fires” or trials to go through. As with all families. This new book of Gayla’s and Heather’s gave me peace, and also a different perspective on the holidays itself! I have been learning and trying to just live with peace in my heart and in my home, and not so much on trying to have the “perfect Christmas” or the “perfect family”! Dosnt exist! Gayla and Heather have great words of wisdom, and i appreciate it so much more, coming from fellow “sister” stepparents! Purchase this book today! Peace and blessings to all stepparents this Holiday Season!!!! Mindy Cure, Hanston, KS
Thank you for your kind words Mindy! You have such a wise perspective: “no matter the age of the children, or how well you have blended, you will always have fires or trials to go through – I have been learning and trying to live with peace in my heart…” You have found the answer to stepfamily peace through your perspective. Thank you for sharing!