“Mom, I’ve been hit from behind and my car has a good amount of damage.” My youngest daughter was in her first fender bender this last week. She called me in tears and asked me what to do. She wasn’t hurt but I could tell she was scared. I told her to pull over and call the police.
I asked if she wanted me to come help and she said yes. I knew she was capable of handling the situation by herself, but thought she could use some emotional support.
When we take the time to help our children and stepchildren through their trials, we build stronger relationships with them. Our actions speak love when we help them. It may not be convenient or easy for us, but it shows our children we care about them.
This past week, my stepson was stressed out about his work schedule and other things he needed to do to finish his school schedule. He had just completed another semester of college and needed to get his textbooks returned. I offered to help return his books if he would bring them to me. He thanked me and was genuinely appreciative of my help.
With the holidays in full swing, there are a variety of ways we can show our stepchildren we love them through the small stuff. Attend their Christmas programs, help them shop for their siblings and other family members (including their bio parent in the other home), eat lunch with them at school (unless they’re teenagers…), help them with their homework, or whatever else you can do that shows you care.
How will you show love to your stepchildren this week through the small stuff?
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