by Gayla | Jan 14, 2011 | Blog, forgiveness, Guilt, peace, stepfamily relationships, take care of yourself
As a stepparent, do you carry around unnecessary guilt? Do you beat yourself up when you make a mistake or don’t have a perfect day with your stepchild?Guilt is a harmful emotion. It keeps us from enjoying present-day peace and sets us up for self-defeating...
by Gayla | Nov 29, 2010 | Balance, Blog, stepfamily holiday tips, take care of yourself
My parents live out of state and visited for several days over the Thanksgiving holiday. We had a wonderful visit and I enjoyed our time together. But I was mindful of my tendency to focus on my to-do list during this busy season instead of...
by Gayla | Nov 22, 2010 | attitude, Blog, stepfamily holiday tips, take care of yourself
During the holiday season, it’s natural to see and talk with outside family members more often. It’s uncomfortable to see your ex-spouse or former in-laws if communication is strained. When possible, commit to do your part to be friendly and easy to get...
by Gayla | Nov 17, 2010 | Balance, Blog, stepfamily holiday tips, take care of yourself
“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.” Charles SpurgeonWhen emotions are high during the holiday season, it’s easy to worry about the upcoming visitation or encounter with difficult family...
by Gayla | Oct 21, 2010 | Blog, Change, stepfamily marriage, take care of yourself
My husband and I returned from a five-day anniversary trip yesterday to learn some disturbing news. My stepson, a college student living on his own with a roommate, was robbed and held at gunpoint a few days ago at his apartment. In broad daylight,...
by Gayla | Sep 22, 2010 | Blog, boundaries, co-parenting, take care of yourself
I was raised in a conservative Christian home. I’m thankful for parents who taught me strong Biblical principles on how to live. I stand by those beliefs and raise my children on Biblical standards. However, we must consider whether “turning the other...
by Gayla | Sep 20, 2010 | Blog, boundaries, take care of yourself
Stepparenting issues can be overwhelming and unbearable. Then, you throw in problems with an ex-spouse, and the situation becomes toxic.So, how do you maintain sanity when dealing with a difficult ex-spouse? The best way is to learn how to set appropriate boundaries...
by Gayla | Aug 13, 2010 | Balance, Blog, take care of yourself
With the beginning of a new school year always comes a busy schedule. I was thinking about how to change my dreaded outlook of the new school year by wondering what I could eliminate from our schedule. Since our youngest daughter is beginning her senior year of high...
by Gayla | Aug 2, 2010 | Blog, take care of yourself
I woke up early thinking about the many things to do since getting back from vacation. And then I remembered how hot the forecast was for the week: 103 degrees for the next several days with the heat index at 120.Ugh! I’m not much of a hot weather person so the...
by Gayla | Jun 30, 2010 | Blog, counseling, take care of yourself
If you follow national news, you’ve probably seen the story of the stepfamily in Oregon that has been missing their seven-year-old son for more than three weeks.The father of the boy has now filed for divorce from his wife, the stepmom, and it appears she may be...
by Gayla | Apr 21, 2010 | Blog, take care of yourself
I finally went to the doctor yesterday to have my knee looked at since it refuses to get well. He gave me a steroid injection to help get the inflammation out so it can begin to heal.He also told me to REST. The doctor is a personal friend of mine and knows that I use...
by Gayla | Feb 3, 2010 | Blog, boundaries, successful stepparenting, take care of yourself
Today I want to include an article I wrote a few years ago when I was struggling to find balance in my life. I was overwhelmed with my responsibilities as a wife, stepmom, graduate student, and pregnant mother. I sought to make changes to relieve my feelings that were...