by Gayla Grace | Aug 20, 2014 | attitude, Blog, counseling, feelings, Rejection, rewards of stepparenting, stepparenting heartache
I recently began teaching a Sunday School class for 13-14 year-old girls at our church. Some days I wonder why I agreed to do it. Since our youngest son is the same age, I’m seeking to invest in his youth group and get to know his peer group. As I observed the...
by Gayla Grace | Aug 28, 2013 | Blog, feelings, Rejection, stepparenting heartache
I’m recovering from the stomach virus -bleh- and I can tell you that for the last two days, I’ve simply survived! You know the feeling, right? You can barely lift your head off the pillow and wonder if your stomach will ever feel normal again....
by Gayla | Oct 2, 2012 | Blog, conflict, expectations, Faith, feelings, stepparenting heartache, Uncategorized
I sent my son to bed last night with consequences for his lack of obedience on a homework issue. He wasn’t happy with me and barely said good night as I left his room. But as his mom, seeking to raise a responsible young man, I knew I needed to address the...
by Gayla | Apr 27, 2012 | Blog, Faith, hope, stepfamily relationships, stepparenting heartache
It’s easy to trust God’s plan when the journey is easy and comfortable. But it’s much harder when the days are long and the circumstances don’t make sense. That’s the journey my husband and I found ourselves on several years ago. The...
by Gayla | Oct 19, 2011 | Blog, Faith, stepmother role, stepparenting heartache
I’m not a childless stepmom. But I have the greatest respect for those of you who are. For many years, I didn’t give much thought to what it would feel like to be a childless stepmom. But after talking to several of you and watching how you do life, I...
by Gayla | May 19, 2011 | attitude, Blog, Change, stepfamily relationships, stepparenting heartache
We’ve sold our home in Conway (Praise the Lord) and recently put a contract on a home in Bossier City, Louisiana. We will be moving in just a few short weeks. And the good byes I find myself in the middle of are harder every day.The church choir I’ve...
by Gayla | Feb 22, 2011 | Blog, Faith, hope, perseverance, stepparenting heartache, Waiting
Crocuses are in full bloom in the state of AR and it is a beautiful sight. Although the temperature is still cool outside, it’s a great reminder that Spring is around the corner and the harsh days of winter will be behind us.As I gazed at our crocuses...
by Gayla | Feb 15, 2011 | Blog, Faith, Prayer, stepparenting heartache, surrender, Waiting
My husband’s job ends next week. We moved to Conway, AR eleven years ago for my husband to assume the position of Director of Operations with a manufacturing company. His job has provided a comfortable living for us here as we’ve raised our children. But,...
by Gayla | Oct 7, 2010 | Blog, Grace, stepparenting heartache, Waiting
Nathan, 2010″Mom, I’m sorry my friend was talking like that in front of you,” my nine year old son, Nathan, said as I put him to bed last night. He was referring to some crude language a neighbor was using while playing at our house. My son...
by Gayla | Jun 4, 2010 | Blog, stepparenting heartache, successful stepparenting
I went to the dentist yesterday to take care of a broken filling. While I was there, I learned that in addition to breaking out the filling, I also broke part of the tooth.If I hadn’t taken the time to have it fixed, the tooth would have likely continued to...
by Gayla | Apr 16, 2010 | Blog, stepparenting heartache
Today I offer my last two considerations on how to cope with stepparenting heartache. You may find that some ideas are more adaptable for you than others, but it’s important to find healthy ways to deal with the heartache that can accompany stepparenting. ...
by Gayla | Apr 14, 2010 | Blog, stepparenting heartache
In continuing our focus on how to cope with the heartache that can accompany stepparenting, I offer two more suggestions to consider. (The first two suggestions can be seen here.)When heartache strikes, stay in your normal routine as much as possible, knowing it will...