by Gayla Grace | Dec 18, 2018 | Blog, stepfamily holiday tips
Let’s be honest. Stepfamily holidays can present awkward situations and uncomfortable exchanges with people we might not see (or even care to see) regularly. A friend of mine was complaining recently about a common stepmom issue. “I don’t want to...
by Gayla Grace | Dec 12, 2017 | Blog, stepfamily holiday tips
This is my first holiday season without Mom. After a long hard road with Alzheimer’s, she passed away in August. Although I’m thankful she’s no longer suffering, I think about her every day. I’d love to go back and have just one more conversation with her, even if she...
by Gayla Grace | Nov 14, 2017 | Blog, stepfamily holiday tips
At Stepparenting With Grace, we share the stress that goes along with life in a stepfamily. In recent weeks, we’ve talked about co-parenting stress and reducing tension when kids live in two homes. Stress is not unusual for stepfamily relationships. We must...
by Gayla Grace | Nov 29, 2016 | Change, encouragement, feelings, stepfamily holiday tips
“Family traditions are a great way for stepfamilies to connect with one another. Family members come together and work toward a common goal in a non-threatening environment. Traditions can be as simple as making paper chains to count down the days toward...
by Gayla Grace | Dec 16, 2015 | Blog, expectations, stepfamily holiday tips
The countdown to Christmas is upon us. How are you doing? Are you surviving the hustle bustle or looking for ways to flee from the chaos? Blended families have unique challenges that make holidays complicated and often stressful. But we don’t have to give into...
by Gayla Grace | Dec 16, 2014 | Blog, feelings, stepfamily holiday tips
My heart sank when my stepson told me he wouldn’t be home for Christmas–the only one of our five kids who won’t be present. As a stepmom for almost 20 years, I’ve walked through stepfamily pain on more occasions than I want to remember....
by Gayla Grace | Dec 20, 2013 | Blog, stepfamily holiday tips
Christmas is just a few days away. Here are a few ideas on how to make the most of that special day. M – Mind your expectations. Lower them when necessary. E – Expect bumps along the way. R – Refuse to take everything personally – it’s...
by Gayla Grace | Dec 16, 2013 | acceptance, Blog, perseverance, stepfamily holiday tips
I’ve spoken with several stepparents recently struggling with dark days. One stepmom described her life as “hopeless.” Another spoke of daily, overwhelming challenges with her stepdaughter. I started my blog four years ago this month after coming...
by Gayla Grace | Dec 11, 2013 | Blog, Grace, stepfamily holiday tips
I cringed with guilt as I watched my son pull a uniform shirt out of the dirty clothes to wear to school. Ugh – how had I failed to get the laundry done? I’m overwhelmed some days during the holiday season. I can’t keep up with where I’m...
by Gayla Grace | Dec 2, 2013 | Blog, conflict, stepfamily holiday tips
Holidays are stressful! Are you feeling it yet? Add the complexities of a stepfamily and it can quickly get out of control. How we manage conflict dictates how healthy our relationships are and oftentimes, whether we head to divorce court or not. However, when done...
by Gayla Grace | Nov 27, 2013 | Blog, stepfamily holiday tips, thankfulness
It’s easy to take our everyday blessings for granted in America. As I listen to my daughter’s daily life in Mozambique, Africa I realize how blessed I am. I’m thankful I get to do my laundry in a washing machine instead of a bucket. I’m...
by Gayla Grace | Nov 22, 2013 | Blog, stepfamily holiday tips
What holiday challenges are you facing? Yours will look different than mine but I’m sure you have some. We have a choice as to how we will respond to those challenges. My oldest daughter will spend both Thanksgiving and Christmas in South Africa this year....