by Gayla Grace | May 29, 2018 | Blog, feelings, Guilt
“At the end of the day, I’m exhausted and still worried I’m not doing it right or even good enough,” said my stepmom friend, Cindy. “I struggle with guilt constantly and don’t know how to change that.” It’s easy to...
by Gayla Grace | Mar 19, 2013 | attitude, Blog, feelings, Guilt, stepfamily relationships
I often wonder why we so easily assume feelings of guilt surrounding our stepparenting journey. Why can’t we accept we’re imperfect? Why do we insist we must do everything right or our stepchildren will never love or accept us? Perhaps society dictates...
by Gayla | Feb 21, 2012 | attitude, Blog, expectations, feelings, Guilt, hope, stepfamily relationships, stepparenting choices
Do you find yourself comparing the growth of your stepfamily to your neighbor’s next door? Do you talk to your stepmom friend at work and wonder why her stepfamily seems to be having such smooth sailing while your family is stuck in the muck? My husband...
by Gayla | Feb 7, 2011 | Blog, counseling, feelings, Guilt, love
“I thought I would naturally love my stepchildren as my own but the feelings are not there,” my friend, stepmother of two said. “I tried to deny my feelings for a long time, but I’m finally accepting them for what they are.” Denying our...
by Gayla | Jan 14, 2011 | Blog, forgiveness, Guilt, peace, stepfamily relationships, take care of yourself
As a stepparent, do you carry around unnecessary guilt? Do you beat yourself up when you make a mistake or don’t have a perfect day with your stepchild?Guilt is a harmful emotion. It keeps us from enjoying present-day peace and sets us up for self-defeating...
by Gayla | Jan 11, 2011 | Balance, Blog, Guilt, peace
Five inches of snow fell in Central Arkansas yesterday. We rarely get to experience the fluffy white stuff so our town always enjoys a break from the routine when snow appears. You could find kids on every corner making snowmen, sledding down the biggest hill in town,...