When It Feels Like You Can’t Forgive

Over the years, I’ve spoken to numerous stepmoms dealing with rebellious stepchildren. I’ve dealt with it in my own home. When my stepson was an adolescent, he would lash out at me. Some days I wasn’t sure there was hope it would change. And there would be...

Dare to Love in Your Stepfamily

Words from the voice on the radio played over in my head, piercing my heart. “We must dare to love those who hurt us.” The hurt from my gaping wound lay open. A friend I thought I could trust had let me down. I didn’t want to consider that I should...

The Perfect Opportunity for Grace

“I’m failing my International Business class,” my stepson Payton relayed to me through tears. “It doesn’t matter how much I study, I don’t do well on Ms. Cantrell’s tests and I’m afraid it’s too late in the...

Encouraging Words

Our family is on vacation and spent some time yesterday with our oldest daughter who lives out of state. (my stepdaughter). We were reminiscing about years’ past and laughing about some difficult interactions we’ve worked through. I told her I felt bad...


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