by Gayla Grace | Mar 6, 2018 | Blog, Fear, Uncategorized
I remember the scene of years’ past. I couldn’t stop the tears that spilled down my cheeks as I hugged my daughter goodbye. Saying goodbye for eight months as my 22-year-daughter left to carry out her calling in Mozambique had left a knot in the pit of my...
by Gayla Grace | Aug 20, 2013 | Blog, Change, Fear, perseverance
Today marks the nine year anniversary of the loss of my stepchildren’s mother after a fierce battle with colon cancer. It’s always a hard month for them as they reflect on life without her. When I married my husband, I had no way of knowing such a tragedy...
by Gayla | Aug 29, 2012 | Blog, Faith, Fear
This month marks the eight year anniversary of the loss of my stepchildren’s mother after a fierce battle with colon cancer. It’s always a hard month for them as they reflect on life without her. When I married my husband, I had no way of knowing such a...
by Gayla | Aug 22, 2012 | Blog, Fear, feelings, perseverance, Prayer, stepfamily relationships
She was looking forward to some time alone as her husband left for a business trip to India. With three stepchildren in the throes of the teen years, life wasn’t easy. Married for less than two years, she had no idea the challenges that would erupt when she...
by Gayla | May 14, 2012 | Blog, conflict, Faith, Fear, perseverance, stepfamily relationships
Over the week-end, we braved severe storms with damaging tornadoes in Central Arkansas. My family and I retreated to our “fraidy hole” more than once to seek protection from our frightful surroundings. As I listened to the blare of tornado sirens and...
by Gayla | Jan 3, 2012 | Blog, Faith, Fear, peace, perseverance, Prayer
I just finished reading God Enough: Trusting God when Life Doesn’t Make Sense by Kasey Lowery Ewing. It’s a beautiful story of God’s faithfulness through a horrific loss as Kasey tells her story of losing her two-year-old son in an accident. But...
by Gayla | Aug 11, 2011 | Blog, Faith, Fear, Scripture for Stepfamily Life
As I sat in the unfamiliar church service with strangers on every side, I felt the tears begin to roll down my cheeks. “I miss my church back in Conway,” I told the Lord. “I miss my friends. I miss my kids. Why did we have to move out of state?...
by Gayla | Jun 9, 2011 | Blog, Fear, love, stepfamily relationships, stepparenting choices, successful stepparenting
*Note to Readers: Our out-of-state move begins next week. My blogging will be sporadic for the next month but I hope to return to a regular schedule by late summer.Yesterday was my 50th birthday. A milestone. I had great plans for a leisurely morning on...
by Gayla | Feb 25, 2011 | Blog, Faith, Fear, peace, perseverance, stepmother role, stepparenting choices
I have a good friend who is raising her step-granddaughter because her stepdaughter has proven too unstable for the responsibility. I have another friend who could be assuming full custody with her husband of her three stepchildren because their biological mom...
by Gayla | Dec 16, 2010 | Blog, Faith, Fear, stepfamily holiday tips, successful stepparenting
What are you fearful of this holiday season? Managing the visitation schedule with a difficult ex-spouse? Coping with uncooperative stepchildren over a prolonged stay? Socializing with ex-in-laws?The holiday season brings all kinds of opportunities for...