by Gayla Grace | Jun 6, 2017 | Blog, Faith, hope
When it comes to the stepparenting journey, the path is often full of potholes. Some so deep they’ll swallow us whole if we let them. In my own journey, there have been times when I wanted to give up. To quit. To move on. But I didn’t. I chose to continue....
by Gayla Grace | Jan 10, 2017 | Faith, feelings, forgiveness, peace, stepfamily relationships, Uncategorized
After my first marriage ended, I held onto unforgiveness. I had been mistreated and I justified my actions from a wounded soul. I didn’t want to consider how my unforgiveness contributed to my lack of peace and affected my daily walk with others and with the Lord....
by Gayla Grace | Apr 19, 2016 | Blog, character, Faith, hope
It’s easy to feel like one some days, isn’t it? Especially when our stepchildren treat us that way, despite our best efforts. My friend, Carol Boley, and her co-author Kathi Lipp wrote a resource for stepmoms, But I’m Not a Wicked Stepmother! Secrets...
by Gayla Grace | Oct 21, 2015 | Blog, Faith, stepfamily marriage, stepfamily relationships, successful stepparenting
My husband and I celebrated 20 years of marriage last week. There were many years I didn’t know if we’d make it to our next anniversary. Today, I’m thankful for where we are as a stepfamily. I’ve grown emotionally, spiritually, and mentally in...
by Gayla Grace | Mar 11, 2015 | Blog, Faith, stepfamily relationships
I sensed her restlessness to get off the phone. The conversation had been like most these days – shallow and brief. I understood why, but it didn’t make it any easier. My mom’s dementia dominates her life. No longer able to find the words she needs,...
by Gayla Grace | Sep 24, 2014 | Blog, encouragement, Faith, Prayer, stepfamily relationships
As I looked at the bookshelf bursting with parenting and step parenting books, my mind went a different direction. How often do I turn to a book, instead of seeking the Source with the best answer? One of my favorite Scriptures reads, “For the foolishness of God...
by Gayla Grace | May 13, 2013 | Blog, Faith, love, Prayer, stepmother role, Uncategorized
I love introducing new resources for stepmoms because as you know, if you’ve been a stepmom long, the journey isn’t easy. I’m participating in a blog tour this week and can’t wait to tell you about a new book, Recipe for Joy: A Stepmom’s...
by Gayla Grace | Apr 11, 2013 | Blog, conflict, Faith, feelings, love
I’ll never forget the day my stepson shot back at me, “You’re not my mom, Gayla. My mom would support my decision.” I disagreed on an important decision he was making and voiced my opinion. I chose not to respond to his hurtful words and for a...
by Gayla Grace | Mar 28, 2013 | acceptance, Blog, Faith, love, stepfamily relationships
I’m including a devotional today I wrote recently for stepparents. I hope you find it helpful. “…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews...
by Gayla | Feb 25, 2013 | attitude, Blog, character, Faith, love, successful stepparenting
The early morning text surprised me. I don’t hear from my young adult stepson a lot but sensed he needed to talk based on what I read. I picked up the phone and engaged in a lengthy conversation with him regarding his year-long relationship with his girlfriend....
by Gayla | Dec 13, 2012 | attitude, Blog, Faith, feelings, hope, perseverance, Prayer, stepfamily holiday tips, stepfamily relationships
The facebook status of my friend was heart-breaking:”After 25 years of working for the same company, my wonderful hard working amazing husband was told he does not have a job. Our world has turned upside down…” A hard situation to face at the holiday...
by Gayla | Nov 1, 2012 | Blog, Faith, Uncategorized
I’m generally not a politically charged person – I don’t like the drama that surrounds elections. But I think this election could be one of the most significant in my lifetime and the end results will affect my stepfamily and yours. I believe our...