The Lord Will Fight for You!

The Last Lecture “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Professor Randy Pausch spoke these words in The Last  Lecture, a talk he gave at Carnegie Mellon University. He had just learned his pancreatic cancer, diagnosed a year...

Why Attend a Sisterhood of Stepmom Retreat?

Sisterhood of Stepmoms (SOS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping any woman dating, engaged or married to a man with kids find help, hope, and healing. We walk alongside women to offer answers to the challenges that accompany the journey. Our SOS team is...

Encouragement for the Stepparenting Journey

 Words of encouragement from Randy & Gayla If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here. My husband, Randy, and I recently celebrated 21 years of marriage. We’ve made it more than two decades together! During our first year of marriage, I would...


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